Our Vision is to raise up an army of believers, to reach the lost and disciple the found.

Meet Our Pastors
Our Pastors Toney & Kim Hensley were busy serving as Children’s Pastors in Kansas City when God called them to Lee’s Summit in 1986 “to raise up and army of believers, to reach the lost and disciple the found.” They are our founding & lead pastors with a heart and passion to lead a community of people who love God & love people. With 4 sons & 4 daughters in-law, 10 grandsons & 1 granddaughter, they know what family is. They know that church is not a building or event, but a people, and those are people they call family.

Church on the Rock Outreach Center (The Rock LS) was founded in the summer of 1986 by Pastor Toney, wife Kim, and their four boys. Toney & Kim started in kids ministry in Irving, TX before moving back to KC to be the kids pastors at Sheffield. God called the Hensley family to plant a church in Lee’s Summit and so they were obedient and did. The Rock has had 5 locations and is the oldest Assemblies of God church in LS.
What We Value
Our faith is personal, but never private. Jesus was always gathering people from His birth to His ascension. Whether it’s for our weekly gatherings, ministries or special events, we believe we are better together.
Matthew 20:28 says “The Son of Man, came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many”. We offer many opportunities to serve our church & our community.
Pray, give, be & go. Missions is a lifestyle, we send missionaries, we support missionaries, we pray for missionaries. We believe in order to really have an impact on a missions trip you have to live on mission at home.
Worship is more than songs on Sunday. It’s a way of life. The way we love one another, the way we work, serve, give & create are all ways of a life of worship.
When reading the New Testament, we see Jesus went from prayer time to prayer time, and in between He did miracles. We value corporate prayer, but also going to war in your prayer closet. Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Prayer changes you; prayer changes everything.
God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1). He is still creating and can use you to create to reflect Him. We believe the best teachers, musicians, artists, athletes, chefs, and designers are people creating to glorify God.
Generosity is not a number; it’s a status of the heart & mind. Poor or rich, you can be generous with your life, your time, talents and treasure. This allows us to leverage all that we are for the kingdom of God.
Jesus said in Matthew 28:19-20 to go and make disciples, baptizing them and teaching them. In discipleship, it is not just being taught a lesson, it is also an experience. Discipleship is not a process to be hurried. Discipleship = time together, being intentional learning to follow Jesus with our whole life. It is for everyone. Discipled people should disciple people.
Evangelism is 1 of the 5 offices Paul mentions in the New Testament (Ephesians 4:11) for “equipping the saints for the work of the ministry & building the body of Christ”. We also value that at any time, we as followers of Christ can evangelize to our community where we work, live & play. We as a body intentionally take time to come together and evangelize in the community.
With teaching being 1 of 5 offices Paul mentions in Ephesians 4:11, we value people who can teach well. Teachers who teach based upon sound doctrine, using the wisdom and knowledge God has given them to help others learn & grow in a way they cannot on their own.
We believe the Bible is infallible & inherent. It is the living breathing word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17). What we teach affects what we learn in discipleship. Discipleship is not just knowledge, but action. Our doctrine affects our action through discipleship.
We value not rushing time with God. We always want to let the Holy Spirit have freedom when we gather or when spending time reading & meditating on His word. Jesus came to dwell among us (Emmanuel- God with us). He never seemed to be in a rush, but valued conversations and moments; He was always right on time. He controls time. Spending time waiting on God never leaves one empty or lacking. Jesus gave the command to His disciples to wait for the promise of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:4). The Holy Spirit changed everything when they waited; He still changes things when we wait.