At the Rock, being missional is not just what we do, it is who we are. Being a missional church is multi-faceted. We must be, so that we can give and go. It’s not one or the other, it is all. As a church, we are living the Great Commandment so we can better fulfill the Great Commission in Lee’s Summit and to the ends of the earth.

How do we do missions?
Each fall we have a Missions conference that consists of “The Gathering” and services. The Gathering is a themed dinner with food representing many countries around the world with a missionary speaker. Sunday’s Service is a missions focused service with missionaries sharing where and who they serve, and what God has been putting on their hearts. Throughout that weekend, we take our yearly on-going pledges that help send new missionaries and keep missionaries where they are called to invest their lives. Those pledges go to missionaries & organizations monthly because of the faithfulness of those that give.
(If you want to pledge or give to a missionary or organization we support, you can do so through our missions giving link).
We invest in our community through community outreaches and serve our community in various ways/opportunities, partnering with organizations like Harvesters, City Serve KC, KC Dream Center, and Convoy of Hope. Our heart is to reach people for the kingdom. That means we serve and take time to share the Good News. If you want to serve with us or have opportunities to reach our community, let us know.
Missions trips
Every year we take two trips, 1 international & 1 domestic. Our trips are announced at our yearly Missions Conference in the fall.
Yearly trips
Each year we take international missions and domestic trips.